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At the end of the three-year course, the most deserving students will have the opportunity to be included in theresident companies  (DanceHaus Junior Company , DanceHaus Company and Compagnia Susanna Beltrami ) and in the productions of National Center for Dance Production DANCEHAUSpiù.

Many graduate students have collaborated over the years withinternational companies and choreographers such as the Venice Biennale, Wayne McGregor Company, AterBalletto, Virgilio Sieni Company, Jan Fabre, Faso Danse Theatre, Sanpapié, Alexander Ekman, MK, DejàDonné.

Several students have given life to independent companies and groups which, with their research and experimentation, today represent a new movement of contemporary dance in Italy and abroad. Still others opened theirstraining centersthroughout the national territory, becoming important points of reference.

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